Sunday, March 17, 2019

russian vinagret salad

A friend made this and I loved it!

1 beet
2 carrots
1-2 potatoes
1 medium red onion
10oz of pickles
1 can (about 15 oz) boiled beans of your choice
Salt to taste

Prepare ingredients: dice vegetables to the same size. Boil carrots, potato and separately beets, then let them cool down to room temperature and peel.

Dice beet, add to a deep bowl, add diced pickles, diced potatoes and and carrots.

Add boiled beans (if you use canned ones – rinse them and then drain liquid out before adding beans to the bowl).

Salt to taste, mix well.

the best chinese recipe ever

Hands down a Hall of Fame recipe.  8 ounces chicken breast (thinly sliced) 5 tablespoons vegetable oil 3 Japanese eggplants (cut on an angle...